Welcome to the public exhibition on our proposals for two new wind turbines to be located on land to the north of Dundonald.
The exhibition is designed to make sure you are fully informed about the project, have a chance to ask questions and provide feedback, and are aware of the process that will be followed as we seek to secure planning permission.

We are currently preparing a planning application to be submitted to South Ayrshire Council for two wind turbines to the southwest of the Olympic Business Park. These would have a maximum tip height of 149.9 metres and a combined generation capacity of around 8.5MW.
Permission would be sought for 30 years.
The project will be developed, owned and operated by The Farm Energy Company.
We are actively exploring the potential to supply the power generated directly to a local employer via a 'private wire' connection as part of their plans to reduce emissions from their manufacturing activities.
The proposed development would also include associated infrastructure, such as:
- Access Track
- Crane Pads
- Foundations
- Construction Compound
A Habitat Management Plan is being prepared by the project ecologists to ensure biodiversity improvements are incorporated as part of the application.

Policy Context
The project would contribute to a number of local and national targets for a more sustainable economy.
United Kingdom
The UK is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions to 78% of their 1990 levels by 2035, and to reaching net zero emissions by 2050.
Ministers have also made a commitment to having a decarbonised power system by 2035, subject to security of supply.
The Scottish Government's draft Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan proposes a target for 20GW of new renewable power capacity in Scotland, on- and off-shore, by 2030.
The Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 commits Scotland to a 'Net Zero' emissions target by 2045, and reductions of 75% by 2030 and 90% by 2040.
The Scottish Government Climate Change Plan (CCP) sets a goal to reduce industrial and commercial emissions intensity by at least 30%, from 2015 levels, through a combination of fuel diversification, energy efficiency improvements and heat recovery.
South Ayrshire
South Ayrshire Council's Strategic Economic Plan: Vision 2030 'sets a course for a decarbonised and sustainable future for business, for people and for our environment' and aims to 'deliver inclusive as well as environmental growth whilst also raising productivity.'

Project Benefits
The project would:
- Contribute to local and national aspirations for a more sustainable economy, and to Scottish and UK climate change targets.
- Help meet Scottish renewable energy targets and the UK's ambition for a decarbonized power system by 2035.
- Biodiversity improvements will be designed into the scheme at an early stage.
- Deliver an annual community benefit fund to be invested in local projects and initiatives.

Community Benefit
- The project would create an annual community benefit fund of £2,500 for every MW of capacity installed, giving an annual fund of around £21,300, depending on the final capacity of the project which will depend on the turbine model selected.
- This would generate close to £640,000 over the project's lifetime.
- The funding would be allocated each year by local community representatives and The Farm Energy Company to local projects and initiatives.
- We welcome your feedback on the potential management arrangements, with our aim being to ensure that local residents ensure that the fund is invested in projects which have the greatest possible impact.
- Potential beneficiaries include Dundonald Castle and Visitor Centre, local sports facilities, and community projects.

Environmental, Technical and Policy Considerations
- The project team is committed to minimising potential environmental impacts wherever we can.
- As part of the planning application, an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) will be completed which provides a detailed assessment of the potential impacts from the wind turbine project.
- The EIA includes assessment of the following topics :
- Landscape and Visual Impact
- Ecology and Ornithology
- Noise
- Cultural Heritage
- Shadow Flicker
- Planning Policy
- In February 2023, the Scottish Government adopted a new planning framework - National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4). The NPF4 underwent significant consultation consultation and parliamentary scrutiny before adoption and places significant weight on the contribution of proposals 'to renewable energy generation targets and on greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets'.
Next Steps
We are in the process of developing our Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), which forms a key part of our planning application.
This EIA will reflect the outcomes of ongoing technical studies and also the feedback received today and from wider stakeholder engagement.
A Community Consultation event is to be held on Tuesday 25th April – 12pm to 7pm at Montgomerie Hall, Main Street, Dundonald, North Ayrshire, KA2 9HG where local residents can discuss the proposals with the project team.
We expect to be in a position to apply for planning permission to South Ayrshire Council by the end of June 2023.
Local residents will also have an opportunity to comment directly on the application.
Any feedback on the project can be sent to:
Please provide an email address if you would like us to respond to your feedback.