Welcome to this online exhibition for the proposed renewable energy development to meet the energy demand of The Berry Group, Ardeer.
This exhibition is part of a community consultation process with members of the local community and other interested parties. If you have any questions about the Proposal, or would like to provide feedback, please use the contact form at the bottom of this page.
About The Farm Energy Company
The Farm Energy Company is a UK based renewables developer and operator founded in 2011 that specialises in large-scale private wire and off-site projects for significant energy users.
The company enables its clients to source renewable energy from a range of technologies (including wind, solar, biogas and battery power) combining both private wire and grid based solutions.
What sets us apart from a number of other renewable energy companies is that our primary aim is to work with existing businesses with large power requirements to provide direct power via either a wind or solar farm.
These businesses are often at the heart of communities with many employees coming from the local area. It is therefore important that we engage with local communities to hear their views on our projects and address any concerns they may have at an early stage.
In June 2021 the UK Government set in law the world's most ambitious climate change target of cutting emissions by 78% compared to 1990 levels. We are dedicated to supporting the transition to a more sustainable energy market. To help achieve this target and are working closely with a wide range of existing businesses to provide low cost, green, renewable
energy. By providing increased energy security our business partners can deliver increased job security. In achieving this, our goal is to ensure that the right technology is located in the right location and any opportunities to enhance the environment are maximised.
About Berry BPI Ardeer

- Origins traced back to 1797 in Dundee
- Operated in Ardeer since 1984
- Supplying over 200 small to national businesses – Westland, Next, Knauf, NHS, Mars etc.
- Largest Industrial flexible packaging manufacturer in the UK
- UK leading supplier to over 85% of UK's farming and horticultural market
- Employ 220+ within the business in North Ayrshire
- Renewable energy fits with the Berry Global commitment to Sustainability
- Partnering with FEC since early 2019 to deliver 70% of our energy needs for the next 20 years.
Project Overview
- A planning application was submitted to North Ayrshire Council in September 2022 for a three turbine wind farm development which would deliver renewable energy directly to the Berry bpi Ardeer factory via a private wire connection.
- Following responses from consultees, the application was withdrawn in order to refine the project, address some of the comments received and reconsult with the local community. The purpose of this consultation event is to receive feedback from local residents ahead of the resubmission of the planning application in mid 2023.
- The site lies to the east of the Berry bpi Ardeer site, on land previously used for ICI's operations.
- The wind farm area comprises an extensively modified landscape, used for over a century for a variety of industrial purposes, and in particular the manufacture of explosives.
- Access to the wind farm is proposed via existing internal roads within the Industrial Estate.
- The proposed wind farm development comprises the following elements:
- 3 Wind Turbines of up to 150m to their tip
- Associated infrastructure such as access, foundations, crane pads and construction compounds
- Cable to connect directly into the Berry bpi Ardeer factory.

Project Benefits
The following outlines the benefits to be brought about by the proposed wind turbine development
- Assisting with Berry Group's targets of sourcing global electricity usage from renewables.
- Stabilised and reduced energy costs over the lifetime of the project.
- Increased energy security and reduced reliance on fossil fuels - around 70% of the Ardeer site's electricity demand will be supplied by the wind scheme.
- The proposals would generate around 14.4 MW of low carbon, renewable energy to offset electricity imported from the grid.
- Support national and local renewable energy targets.
- Reduced carbon footprint - approximately 4,000 tonnes of CO2 per annum or 73,000 tonnes of CO2 for the duration of the 20 year PPA. This equates to the direct emissions of approximately 8,000 homes per annum.

Community Benefit
- A Community Benefit Fund of £2,500 per MW installed.
- The proposed Community Benefit Fund is intended to be deployed in addition to the existing benefits provided to Berry Ardeer BPI.
- The aim of the fund is to benefit local projects and enable improvements to the local area.
Examples could include improvements to local community facilities such as village buildings, parks and playgrounds, sports facilities, provision of a community bus service etc.
• This project offers a low cost, renewable energy solution which provides economic benefits to towns like Stevenston, such as:
- Investment in property via mortgage and rent
- Revenue collected through local authority systems such as Council Tax
- Shopping benefits with locally earned salaries being spent in local shops and services
- Reducing the need to travel with the sustainability benefits that will come from this.

Environmental and Technical Considerations
- The project team is committed to minimising potential environmental impacts of the Proposal.
- As with the previously submitted planning application, an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) will be completed which provides a detailed assessment of the potential impacts from the wind farm.
- The EIA includes assessment of the following topics:
- Landscape and Visual Impact
- Cultural Heritage
- Ecology and Ornithology
- Planning Policy.
- In February 2023, the Scottish Government adopted a new planning framework - National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4).
- The NPF4 underwent significant consultation over the past few years and reflects the aspirations of the Scottish renewables industry to enable the development of suitably located wind and solar farms.
- NPF4 is supportive of schemes like this as it gives greater weight to directly addressing climate change and building on brownfield sites.

Next Steps
The Planning Application and accompanying Environmental Impact Assessment are currently being updated following withdrawal of the previous application.
A number of consultee responses were received in relation to the original application and we are currently working to address these.
We are also undertaking a programme of public engagement which will include a community consultation event.
The Community Consultation event is to be held on Wednesday 26th April – 1.45pm to 5.45pm at Ardeer Community Centre, 23 Shore Rd, Stevenston KA20 3NB.
Any feedback on the project can be sent to: enquiries@farmenergy.co.uk
Please provide an email address if you would like us to respond to your feedback.